A Call to Action

After a violent incident involving young people in our community, Pro Cutters sponsored a community gathering to bring more awareness. It was a 24 hour vigil with music, speakers and lots of prayer. The idea was to challenge all participants to take action… because whether it’s mentoring a young person or volunteering at a school, we know that every positive action can make a huge difference
Men of Distinction

Pro Cutters has formed a partnership with Men of Distinction Enterprise or MODE… a program made up of about 150 young men in Rockdale and Henry County. It’s mission is to address some of the issues our young men are facing that can lead to problems at school. Exposing them to different things in life, particularly entrepreneurship, makes them change their outlook- and thus their actions. In these pictures, Pro Cutter’s took the young men to a Kid’s Expo where they got to meet successful business owners first hand.
Annual Straw Day

Some of the young men from Men of Distinction got a chance to roll up their sleeves and help beautify a hospice facility in Henry County. Pro Cutter’s has been providing pine straw and other maintenance services to Sacred Journey for a couple of years now, as a way of helping our neighbors in need.